Local notification systems
Warning signals are an important element for the functioning of any enterprise, they should cover the territory as much as possible, regardless of its area. In addition, the alert signal must reach every employee at any point of his location. For this reason, electronic sirens are used to create large alert zones, interface with emergency and civil defense networks.
Such equipment has more power than loudspeakers, but it also has higher requirements in terms of various control methods and reliability levels.
The equipment for the construction of warning systems has distinctive features, namely, various control options, a high level of power and reliability. Sirens can be used as separate, locally controlled equipment, or as part of a system. Large systems can reach thousands of sirens, and small ones, in turn, consist of several. We implement solutions for the construction of operational dispatch and loudspeaker communication systems based on the technological features of the enterprise, its current needs and strategic development plan. The system can be built on the basis of two technological solutions. The company's specialists also carry out a combination of these types of systems.
Data transmission by any means
Additional reservation
Self-diagnosis of sirens
High activation speed
The signal is transmitted by various means of data transmission, both by fiber-optic and copper-electric cables, and by means of electromagnetic waves (radio band). It can be used for remote territories without built technical infrastructure, (for example, groups of islands are controlled via satellite).
This is necessary in case of emergencies, since in most cases a failure in the supply of electricity entails the failure of the entire telecommunications infrastructure. That is why large warning systems use two independent channels to control the siren network.
Such systems are used in situations of real danger, so we need full confidence that they will really work when it is necessary. Therefore, great demands are placed on the functions of self-diagnosis of sirens and on the infrastructure that relates to them. A possible error is detected even before using the siren and corrected in a timely manner.
The activation speed is measured in tens of seconds: 350 sirens are activated in about 20 seconds.
The speed of receiving feedback on the activation of sirens is measured in minutes: from 350 sirens (approximately 60 seconds).